20th Anniversary Highlights

20th Anniversary Testimonies

At Anniversary Prayer Night, my 12-year-old daughter received individual prayer. Her prayer request was that she wanted to hear God's voice. When she was prayed for, she began speaking in tongues for the very first time in her life!

A. Nnadi

from Edgewood, MD.

At the Anniversary Adult Bible Study, I received deeper revelation on God's perspective regarding evangelism in the work/marketplace.

C & B Nwamoh

from Owings Mills, MD.

Thank you so much for blessing my family with food and school supplies.


from Cockeysville, MD

At the school giveaway, I saw people come in upset and leave out happy. Their mood changed because of the kindness and love they received.

K. Nnadi

from Edgewood, MD.

The Back to School Giveaway and Food Pantry Distribution was wonderful!

C. Okorocha

from Owings Mills, MD.
If you have a testimony from the 2022 Anniversary, tell us about it!
Click here

from the pastor's desk


Dear friend,

Righteousness which is one of the many attributes of God is a word that we come across sooften in Scripture. When the Bible says God is righteous, it simply means that He is just in all Hisways. Righteousness is a prerequisite for eternal life since Heaven, God’s dwelling place is aplace of perfection where sin does not exist. Unfortunately the innate sin nature of man makesit impossible for us to attain the righteous standard of God, hence the need for a savior.

Jeremiah 23:6 declares “In His days Judah will be saved, And Israel will dwell safely; Now this isHis name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” This scripture was aprophetic declaration by the Prophet Jeremiah in reference to none other than our Lord JesusChrist who indeed is our Righteousness. He lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary atoningdeath for us on the Cross of Calvary a little over 2000 years ago, and now offers Hisrighteousness to the sinner who would trust in His finished work of salvation. We now qualifyfor eternal life by exercising our faith in receiving the gift of righteousness He offers tohumanity. Have you received this precious gift ? I encourage you to receive it right where youare by calling on the Lord Jesus Christ to save you from your sins if you have never done so.

The maiden annual church cookout event on the 29th of June, 2024 on our newly constructedparking lot was the highlight of the month of June and provided an opportunity for us to bondwith members of the local community. There were lots of exciting outdoor activities for thechildren, youth and adults and most importantly the name of the Lord Jesus Christ was glorifiedthrough open-air preaching of the gospel. Precious seeds were sown in the hearts of men andwomen that will bring forth fruit for the Kingdom of our God in due season. We look forward toan even greater event in 2025 shoud the Lord tarry in His return.

The positive women had their highly anticipated retreat on July 13th, 2024 and testified to thewonderful move of the Spirit of God as they came together in the church facility for a Saturdayto be remembered. The positive men also held their summer retreat on July 27th, 2024 and suchwas the spirit of brotherhood and level of engagement during the event, that it ended over anhour later than was originally planned. We give all the glory and appreciation to our God for thegreat things He is doing amongst the men and women of this ministry.

The summer will not be complete without our 22nd church anniversary event which is slated forAugust 18th, 2024. As we look forward to this event we are humbled by the faithfulness of ourGod who has sustained this ministry through thick and thin. He is indeed the Rock of oursalvation and we will shout joyfully to Him as the Psalmist declares in chapter 95:1.

As the summer season moves right along, do you take out time each day to meditate on thegreatness, majesty and goodness of our God? I want to encourage you to be intentional onsetting your mind on the things that are above and not on the things of this earth as we areexhorted to do in the book of Colossians 3:2, because Heaven is our home and we are onlypilgrims on a journey through this terrestrial plane. May the Lord bless, strengthen and give youthe grace to live in daily expectation of the soon to occur glorious rapture of His chruch. I lookforward to seeing you in the clouds of glory when the trumpet sounds. Maranatha!

Michael Nwamoh
Senior Pastor
