20th Anniversary Highlights

20th Anniversary Testimonies

At Anniversary Prayer Night, my 12-year-old daughter received individual prayer. Her prayer request was that she wanted to hear God's voice. When she was prayed for, she began speaking in tongues for the very first time in her life!

A. Nnadi

from Edgewood, MD.

At the Anniversary Adult Bible Study, I received deeper revelation on God's perspective regarding evangelism in the work/marketplace.

C & B Nwamoh

from Owings Mills, MD.

Thank you so much for blessing my family with food and school supplies.


from Cockeysville, MD

At the school giveaway, I saw people come in upset and leave out happy. Their mood changed because of the kindness and love they received.

K. Nnadi

from Edgewood, MD.

The Back to School Giveaway and Food Pantry Distribution was wonderful!

C. Okorocha

from Owings Mills, MD.
If you have a testimony from the 2022 Anniversary, tell us about it!
Click here

from the pastor's desk

2025; Our Year of Victory

Dear friend,

I want to take this opportunity to once again wish you a happy and prosperous new year in thematchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The year 2024 is now behind us and we canlook forward to the new things the Lord will do in 2025. In the book of Deu 20:4 (NLT) Godinstructed the priest to reassure the children of Israel before any battle with these words, “Forthe LORD your God is going with you! He will fight for you against your enemies, and he will giveyou victory!' In the year 2025 there are bound to be unique battles that we must face aschildren of God, because our enemy knows that his time is short and will do everything possibleto undermine our faith.

When we are confronted with any battle, our mindset is key to the outcome of such a battle. Ifwe have a victory mindset, we are more likely to come out victorious regardless of how hard theenemy may fight as opposed to a defeatist mindset which spells failure even before a shot isfired. The year 2025 invites you to leave the failures and dissapointments of last year behind,and to look forward to the great victories that the Lord has in store for you. The enemies weface in this warfare are not the ones we see with the naked eyes, but rather the unseen hosts ofevil spirits and demons that operate under the auspices of Satan. Human beings are merelyphysical agents through which these forces transact their malevolent deeds on the earth.

It therefore means that in order to enjoy this victory which the Lord has already won for us, wehave a role to play. The Apostle Paul exhorts us in the book of Ephesians 6:10 (NLT) “A finalword: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” How do we accomplish this? By putting onthe whole armor of God listed in Ephesians 6:14-17 as we wage war daily in the spirit. It isincumbent on us as children of God to be properly kitted for battle, so we do not becomevictims. The Apostle Paul goes further in verse 18 of the same chapter of Ephesians to exhort usto prayer in the spirit at all times and watchfulness. The battle we are fighting with the wickedone is one that has already been won by our Lord Jesus Christ, and so the outcome is never inquestion if we keep our eyes on Him, walking in obedience and total reliance on Him.

In this year 2025, I want to invite you to set lofty spiritual goals in your relationship with theLord Jesus Christ and be prepared to make any necessary sacrifices asked of you by the HolySpirit in order to bring those goals to fruition. Remember it’s all about a relationship with theliving Lord and Savior and not about rituals and practices. Our hearts must be sold out to Him inorder for us to experience new dimensions of His unlimited love this year

As we journey in 2025, remember through every challenge and battle that the Lord Jesus Christloves you beyond your wildest imaginations and is excited to lead you to a resounding victoryregardless of the odds that may appear to be stacked against you. All He asks is that youexercise faith in Him and keep pressing forward.

Yours in His vineyard,

Michael Nwamoh
Senior Pastor
